Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Okvik horizon, 3000 years BP, walrus ivory, expressing an over all human posture, yet a very atypical (compared to actual Inuit head forms) elongated 'narrow' nose ending in a very atypical (compared to other Inuit sculpted human forms), almost a non-significant mouth with a 'weak' chin.  The actual model of Inuit Human is not a elongated nose, and with a robust mouth with chin that would typify their standard profiles." "These motif with an atypical Human form is standard for the forms used, and yet does not conform to a Human configuration to any resident in prehistory or modern Yupik images. To suggest, then, that the models used, so typically in Okvik and Old Bering Sea art, were not of the local format of patterns attributing to the normal local Human populations but designs introduced and carried over in traditions by the obvious impact of their introduction.  Elliptical heads, as described during these periods, maintain their motif for two thousand years without much deviation.  It ensures these impressions were not only important but essential in their cultural identity with these patterns as they have served traditions in thousands of recreated forms standard to these profiled patterns."

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